Monday, August 17, 2009

WOW---It's been a while!

Sorry for the long break... It has been a while and our lives have been very busy for a while. So... I am 22 weeks now into my 2nd pregnancy and all is going well. I feel great, other than getting very tired easily. AND... we found out Baby Isbell is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! We are very excited about this and cannot wait to meet " Chloe Lynn" Gavin is going to be the best big brother. He already burps his stuffed animals and is getting lots of practice while we are waiting on her to make her arrival.
Patrick new job is going great. He is at a job that is low stress and it better money. SO those two things alone are a blessing in themselves.
I am still working full time and am praying that God opens a door and a way for me to go part time once Chloe Lynn arrives. I want to cherish these days with my kids b/c they are only little once.
I will try and post some more pics soon.